Sowa Rigpa or Amchi, Tibetan science of healing. Chulen (the essence of elements). Chu means essence. Len means to take, to get. The essence of the five elements that our body is composed of. Our body is made up of bones, blood, muscles, skin & also the lymph system that are tangible. But we also have many elements that are not & each of them has an essence.

In Tibetan medicine, we consider that there are seven body constituents that make up our life. The loss of one of these body constituents may eventually cause us to lose our life & for that reason, we need to resupply what has been lost. When we are lacking an element in our body we try to resupply it from external material sources, Chulen. There are huge different types of Chulen, from medicine, certain teachings & different terma teachings.
Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo.

लिच्छवीकालका राजकुमारी भृकुटीले नेपालबाट बौद्धधर्म सँगै माैलिक परम्परागत चिकित्सा पद्धति र आयुर्वेदज्ञानको भण्डार पनि तिब्बतमा लगेको मानिन्छ। आज तिब्बेतियन मेडिसिन विश्वमा फैलिएको छ। तर नेपालमा भने अहिले आधुनिकता सँगै विकास गर्न नसक्नु विडम्वना र दु:खद् पक्ष हो। अति राजनीतिबाट मुक्त भएर यो पद्धति र ज्ञानलाई समय अनुकुल विकास गरेर विश्व माझ नेवार वा नेपाल मेडिसिनको रूपमा पुर्याउन सके नेपाल र नेपालीलाई राम्राे नै हुने हो। यो पनि हाम्रो पहिचान हो है।